Videocast #1 – We talk about the first CRM geared towards small business

Videocast #1 – We talk about the first CRM geared towards small business


All right, what’s up guys?
So this is our second podcast and I have here Shira with V sita and they’re actually a new partner and we’ll actually be uh will be offering this service, it’s still not fully integrated on our website, but this is going to be a new service that we’re going to offer small businesses and it’s called the Crm tool.
Actually call it the small business all in one management tool and uh it’s an amazing tool and I invited Shira on our second podcast here to talk a little bit more about it.
She is one of the partners that is helping us integrated and she’s also a partner special is correct on uh Oh fantastic.
And um so sure, why don’t you tell us a little bit about this era and how you know, visited a started, I know this company is based in Israel, so that was kind of a shock to me.
I I thought you guys were for some reason based in like new york already or something like that, but uh and I actually got a hold of Rosita through a different partner of your that’s also working with you guys.
So tell us a little bit about CAsita, like how it works and you know what exactly um you know what is Vusi to?
Yeah, for sure. So thanks for having me here. Um So I’ll tell you a little bit about B. C. That B. C.
Doesn’t all in one business school for small businesses. Um We’re really the all in one solution.
So whether it’s, you know, um Whether it’s small medium or growing businesses, I would say that have users of anywhere from 0 to 30 accounts.
They utilize the CNN in order to help them grow. So what does it mean?
Like who are really, who am I talking about now? So the seat is the best for service based businesses, anyone who’s, you know, scheduling appointments, who needs automated campaigns, marketing campaigns, they want to keep track of their clients and so forth.
Um You know, a lot of small businesses, what they run into today is they can provide a service but they don’t know how to really organize your business and stay on top of things and save time and everyone knows time is money.
NBC does all about that. Right? So they see that really is the solution to kind of kind of boost help small businesses boost their revenue. Yeah. And how did this, how did this idea start? How did the c to start actually? Um how old is Sposito by the way, Be serious?
About 10 years, a little bit over 10 years old. We have about 1.4 million users from all over the world. We also have you seen in 10 different languages, it started as a scheduling tool.
So the scheduling part of this era is actually the most incredible tool that, you know, it’s been developed for years and years and years and as they grew, they had autos, you know, like the crm in marketing side of things acclaimed portal.
We basically slowly began to understand what small businesses need and then we kind of you know provide them with the solution. Great, great, great. And you know it’s a very unique solution because I know I’m familiar with other platforms such as like Zendesk and um and what else?
Uh what? So it’s like a big crm um for sales, it’s sales sales former.
I mean there’s so many Crm and it seems like all these Crm tools are geared more towards like enterprise or very corporate side. This it’s and what I honestly what caught my attention with CAsita is that it’s geared towards small businesses like which is very incredible.
I mean the platform, the back end is extremely simple to understand.
I mean I’ve I’ve used Salesforce before and like there’s so many modules, there’s so many things, it’s like very cumbersome, you know, to to actually use for a small business which I know small business is never going to use a Crm like that.
So essentially what the CIA is offering is like, it’s pretty much like the first Crm for small businesses, right?
Because I mean I’ve never actually encountered any Crm that’s geared towards small businesses. It’s the first time.
So um yeah, I think I think that I’m not sure if it’s the first to be honest.
I don’t know like exactly. I don’t have that data but I do know that I think it’s one of the best.
I mean, it’s not just that, it’s also, you know, small businesses have a few different tools that they need.
What ends up happening is the end of using six different tools.
They pay for six different companies when they really need one tool, everything in one place, an integrated solution instead of rounding logging in and out of different accounts.
And that’s really what we see that provides. Exactly, yeah.
And I mean, um I mean one big problem that we’re running into, that’s the reason why we networking biz uh partnered up with casita is because we have a lot of clients that are getting all kinds of contacts on their email.
And how are they actually, how are they actually managing all these contacts?
Well, they’re just writing them down on sticky notes or like remembering, oh, I got a call this person or I gotta call this, you know, So it’s a lot of these small businesses like um you know, what I understood is that it’s kind of like a uh like whoever runs the sales, it’s like more of like a mom and pop situation where they’re like kind of just like jotting things down on a board or doing certain little things, but a lot of them are wanting to break through into uh into the next kind of stage, right?
And um I feel like the cita offers that to businesses, it really allows them to to integrate their sales and be able to manage like the you know the follow ups, the the automation you know the emails, marketing, everything all in one.
So um you know that’s what really caught my attention.
Um And um can you tell me like what type of businesses of the CDA usually um what’s what’s a good business that that that would would would find your your software helpful?
Yeah sure. So we work with thousands of industries to be honest with you.
I’m always surprised by the businesses that come in um have to be you know sometimes you know we’ve had waffle houses and ice skating rinks and but I would say the top 10 industries are really um business consultants, um construction, home service businesses, lawyers, credit repair, um marketing agencies.
Um I. T. Companies really anyone who’s offering a service, anyone who wants to keep track of their clients exactly as you said you know when you have these clients all over an excel sheets and what happens if they’re deleted from our data?
You know if the cost of generating a new client is four times the price of keeping an old fund for those types of businesses. So you can simply save the money by paying let’s say you know whatever the cost is. X.
Amount a month like 50 to $100 a month.
You know to keep those clients keep them engaged and automate the process so you don’t actually have to remind them about upcoming meetings.
They have the automated reminders so you can have automated campaigns going out um and so forth.
Exactly like for example like us, I think I told you last week or two weeks ago we actually did some videos.
So now what we’re doing is based on the type of appointment that someone schedules.
They get an automated follow up right? Such as like you know this is what to do and this is what to prepare for before the meeting and please watch this video.
So we’re integrating that and um I know a lot of there’s a lot of useful tools as well that are integrated.
Like I myself, I’m still trying to find and learn about this whole ecosystem but um you know for example like the intake intake forms as well, all that on the website.
Right? Integration with the website. Exactly.
That’s extremely, you know, so what essentially what businesses can do is they can tailor an intake form based on the type of booking that someone does.
So you can ask different questions based on the booking. Right?
And um so why don’t you tell me a little bit of like the special features of the Ceta because I would like to kind of show are our audience like what what this, it actually does and I know you pulled up a demo account.
Right? Yeah. Yeah, yeah, I can share my screen.
Yeah go ahead and pull it up.
I’m going to actually pull up your website as well as an example, Is that okay with you? Yeah. Okay.
So I’m gonna, I’m gonna, I’m going to share my screen with you by so we’re here and lose website and never give this dot com and I integrated what I did.
I just pulled up a demo account as a widget on your website.
So this is fully, you know, this is a B C.
That the switch it over here, it’s pulled up on the website and that’s what this means is that is a if a user comes to your website, you know, you can have an amazing website, but if you don’t have a source for lead generation, it’s going to be really hard to get new clients exactly.
When I come over here, I’m able to browse, I can go to different pages.
This widget stays with me no matter what page I’m on.
So when I’m ready I say ok, this looks like a legit business. I want to schedule a meeting.
I can go ahead and I can click on that schedule button and as a user visit as a business owner with the VCD tool, you can completely customize the services if it’s according to location, look, you know, depending on or depending the types of services you offer and then you can have a list of services, you can have a description of what each service offers and even if you want to have the price, they can literally pay on the spot, if it’s a nail salon or something like that, you can have the price here and we integrate with Paypal square and stripe and they can literally pay for it right here. Fantastic. Why is that so important Because nowadays with payments, first of all they can book a meeting, people don’t show up to lose money like, you know, this is a way to guarantee people are coming to the meeting and let’s say someone’s in a mood to buy something, you have to have that available.
You know what I’m saying? Like the day of 2021 when somebody is ready to buy their ready by give them the opportunity.
Exactly, exactly. No, that’s a very, that’s a very unique feature.
I mean, I know a ton of businesses that, that definitely needs something like this, but for whatever reason they don’t have it and you know, because of covid um 20 and 2020 there was, there’s been an acceleration of all these digital services that allow you to kind of automate things, a lot of automate processes of the, of businesses and um, you know, I’ve seen an acceleration um, of more um, uh, complex websites, right that allow you to do more like such as a scheduling for example or, you know, being able to, I know that this also has like a pack, you can sell packages on it.
Yeah packages. So you could offer a schedule and also a package like and and there’s so many businesses that that that utilize something like this and I know for a fact that um there’s a lot of businesses using like outside tools like um like what is it, the event lee or the um it’s like an events thing where you can sell like packages and all that, but then it takes you away from the website, you know, so visit allows you to just kind of have everything within one specific within your website experience.
Exactly, yeah. Yeah, this is, this is extremely neat and what what, when I see that you can also have different um you can also have like different locations, right? So this for like yeah, you can have for multi location, multi franchise things like that for growth as well.
So what are you thinking? Just go ahead.
So just taking them through the flow, you know, they can book a time for example that, you know, if that goes to the service provider and then they can completely change these questions right to suit this type of service and their booking, it was a nail salon and be like what type of nail do you want or what kind of highlights do you want if it’s here um and so forth.
And then they can book it here and it goes to both of their emails, both of their calendars and then there’s the reminders coming up before the next meeting right to make sure that nobody misses that meeting Just to take you through the whole like scheduling.
Yeah. And how does Vusi to remind customers? They reach out to them via multiple channels? Right?
Like texting and email and text, you know all that.
Yeah but imagine like in a dentist office people are always late to the dentist, they always forget about those types of things.
But if you get a text reminder an hour before day before and then 15 minutes before you’re reducing the chance of them to show up late or not at all the appointments.
Exactly yeah so this is uh I would I wouldn’t even call this A. C. R.
And it’s more like a business optimization system. You know it’s like it optimizes your business.
So you reduce um you know like the you know you reduce the failure the appointment failure rate.
Uh you know you’re confirming appointments automatically instead of having somebody called back and forth all that back and forth.
Exactly, exactly. And so I’m sure a lot of businesses would see the um you know all the value in this and the potential that it has to automate a lot of processes of the of the business.
And um so tell me I know that visit to the new feature was like the um what was it? It was like a like a client portal or something like that.
So we also have here, I’ll quickly show it’s a good point we have, I’ll show a few features and like what they do.
So for example for this specific one this is like, you know, this is just my email all to it as a demo. Yeah. Um what happens here is this is the client portal.
So what’s going to happen is I’m going to get a text actually. This is super hipaa compliant and GPR compliance. So it’s very secure.
So I just got a text my phone with the wagen and the the typical clients would be for like the medical companies like chiropractors or, Or dentists.
Exactly. Also like, you know, it’s also really important for like, you know, consultants and psychiatrists and things like that as well. Um 100%. So from here I can actually say this is an app on my phone as an end consumer and then I can have 100% 24 7 communication with the business.
I can send the messages, I can schedule appointments, I can make payments to here. I can upload like a contract or a logo for a website on here.
Anything that sort um I can even give them a business review like what’s so important in today’s day for a lot of small businesses is like I’m going to google you, I’m going to see what story you have, you know, things like that and you can get a link like write me on facebook, you know what I’m saying.
Oh yeah and that’s extremely important for S Ceo as well.
I mean you know for so networking bits has a core product which is local S Ceo and reviews is a big important feature that we offer.
Um and this is a very very helpful tool because um we mostly focused on google reviews but this one focus on focuses on facebook reviews which is fantastic too as well.
Um there can be a link by the way, you can also add us on google and you can add a link here.
Yeah and then I see you have like terms of service there, you have um um you know the like like a chat so you can talk to people.
Yeah it’s complete, this is customizable.
So whatever buttons you foreigner by the way, the whole logo, the text, everything here is just a great right?
So you’re you’re creating you’re creating a small client. Porto the whole you know payment information or payment history. Yeah history, everything, not just that, but imagine how much clients get confused.
Oh you didn’t send me this, you didn’t do this. Well actually they can just go in the portal and see, you know it’s not like an email communication and so forth.
Exactly yeah I mean in this day and age like everyone has a portal now.
So yeah your small business also has a portal especially if you have customers that are constantly using uh your business and um not only that, it probably makes you look way more professional.
Right? 100%. If you have a port 100% we’ll just send me everything via email and then I’ll have to sift through 1000 emails, you know, for your documents and your and everything, you know, it’s instead just upload the document, log into your portal.
Upload the documents that we need, schedule of purchase or manage your bookings. Right? That’s fantastic. Yeah.
Were there any other I can, yeah, I kind of want to show us a little bit.
Yeah, let’s go over here is the dashboard. Okay. So over here is kind of like the overview of the full business.
I see how many payments are coming in campaigns. What’s going on in my business essentially, like where else can you get this? You know, this is your business dashboard and you can have, if you add, you know, team members and so forth.
You can see essentially what’s going on your business here, you have the inbox where everything, you know, all new incoming appointments, title class, everything’s coming in through here.
Follow up the calendar in case somebody calls you and wants you to manually schedule it or so forth.
You can actually manage your entire team on here.
See what bookings they have, Keep track of sales processes on here as well.
And I want to add also that anything that comes from your website forms go straight to the inbox here. So you can actually, instead of you having to sit through your all your emails, I know everyone gets lots of junk nowadays um and spam, you know, I get hit up with like like 100 spam emails every day, you know, so you don’t want to sift through all that, all your customers will be here and you can easily just get back to your customers and the system will remind you to also to also email your customers back exactly using.
You’re not just that actually it’s a really good point but if they sign up through the website, they become a customer in here.
So you already have their information. It’s already in your serum. You don’t need to manually exactly. Which is fantastic.
You don’t have to be writing it down like it’s very automated. So That’s great. That’s great. Yeah. And then just going, yeah this calendar, it also syncs with your google calendar as well. Right. Exactly. Exactly.
So if you’re busy, if you have a lunch or you have a doctor’s appointment, it will show up here. Nobody can schedule with you at that time completely sink and then you choose the days and times you’re available and then people can only book with you at those times. Fantastic. That’s great. So going into like, you know just an appointment, I’ll give you just a quick view like over here you have the appointment, you have information about the appointment.
And then on the right side you have information about the client. So I can click on that client. I have a full history of every conversation. I have that client all the notes, you know taking notes on that client beforehand.
So I can come ready to the next appointment booking side of payments in here. I can see exactly what I have gone from them if they owe me money.
By the way money is a huge one people don’t usually want to deal with.
They don’t want to remind clients to give them the system. Does that automatically? Right? It’s an overdue payment.
They’ll send out a notification. That’s great. Um Yeah and this is customizable. Right? So you can customize like what information is, you know you want to have on facts on file here.
You can save their credit card information and have ongoing charges with the client through the system. Um And then there’s like a ton of really easy actions. You can charge a card.
You can invite them to a client portal. You can invite them to schedule a meeting.
You can send them a document contract so forth.
Like I could go on and on. I’ll stop here.
But that’s yeah this is essentially the client card.
Right? Yeah exactly.
All the information on the client and I mean this is just any small business that sees this would obviously like right away You know, they’ll they’ll understand the value that this brings.
You know because um that’s one big problem with small businesses is uh you know they have the clients kind of all over the place.
A lot of them are like um I have a I have a client who I’m trying to I’m trying to pitch this to and there um you know they I asked them so where do you save all your your clients uh your client information?
I said oh well I have it in a notebook and I also have some of it in my brain and I have some of it in my email so it’s kind of all over the place. So I think so the question is what is it costing them, what is that costing them?
What does that notebook, how much money is that worth? What I’m saying what’s costing time which is money, you know and nowadays I think especially like uh there’s a quote by Warren Warren buffet he said well I could buy anything I want but I, you know, I can’t purchase time. So time is more valuable than money when you think, you know and um so yeah that that’s um that’s that’s a good that’s a good point.
Um Now is there anything else that you want to show us that skull?
Yeah I’ll show you really quickly the mark, we have the documents, payments.
We actually just launched the reports, which is amazing. It basically gives you reports on every staff member.
How many meetings they built thomas money, they brought in appointments, clients like the complete reporting tool, which is amazing.
I don’t want to go through it now because I know we’re short on time but I’ll show you just we have two different types of marketing is to be the automatic campaigns and the announcements.
The automated campaigns are based on triggers in the system. All of our emails come with templates.
Do you have a full library of templates for small businesses who don’t have time to read content? You know what I mean? So they can utilize the image, you know, it’s some text Um call to action and you know an image.
And so this can be, you know, somebody has in fact within the last 90 days you can check in on them. That can be automated. You don’t have to even, you don’t have to do anything.
They just get an automatic email. Exactly. That’s awesome. And these are sort of like drip campaigns right?
Where if a new client lands on, you know, on our clients list then they get that’s a trigger and it sends out an email automatically like a welcome email for example.
Or it could be uh they do a certain type of action on your website and it triggers, it triggers this automated campaign. That’s awesome. Yeah. Like maybe a birthday campaign with a link to a coupon to use your services?
Happy birthday 20% off. Yeah. And then we have, what’s that? That’s a ton of value already.
I mean, think about when you think about how much mail chimp or you know, or constant contact or claudio, any of these charge per, per per month, you know, and they just, they’re pretty much just trigger campaigns or email marketing campaigns.
And the problem is you have to keep importing new clients to their, you know, if you have to keep adding new clients, it’s not you’re not keeping track of everything and of course you have the data to so you have, how many have opened?
This is a demo council. There’s tons of examples here, but you can see how many people have opened it, how many people has been sent to, you know, if they’ve engaged with it and so forth as well.
Oh yeah, that’s great. Yeah. So that’s kind of a high level overview.
Yeah, it’s a very high level because there’s so many other features that the system has that we didn’t even go over.
I didn’t even I don’t think I’ve ever seen the reporting tab that’s like, that’s like really, really new, right?
It’s very new. It’s just recently launched. That’s something that’s coming coming in the pipeline. And um so how how have you guys seen, you know, have you guys seen an increase in business and also in people and businesses using the software because of the pandemic because of this new digital landscape.
Like do you think that more businesses are utilizing this now more than ever. 100. 100%.
Um You know, it’s been it’s been like, you know, it’s been a really hard few years for a lot of people from the CIA, we’ve seen a huge increase because everyone needs to get online.
They need to, everyone wants to digitalize our businesses. People need to find you online, Everything is done online.
You know, we have an integration with zoom zoom meetings um and the online payments and people don’t want to be using cash as much are going in person to pay.
And so I think it’s really been a value for small business. Yeah, that’s awesome.
And I know you can’t talk about a lot of new features with rosita, but last question is like, what are some of the features uh coming in like the new features that you guys are unveiling or?
So I can’t yeah, I can’t get into it too much. But I can’t say there’s really exciting features coming up in the next few months.
We’ve really invested a lot in the features. There’s always feature releases based on what clients are fussing and so forth and what we see the need for.
Um But I can’t see in the next month there are very, very exciting releases to be determined. So I hope it’s recurring payments. That’s not great.
That I can see that by the end of the next few weeks will be released. Oh, nice, nice.
Yes, I share a well, we’re about ending our second podcast.
Thank you so much for being a part of this and thank you for sharing this awesome tool with us and uh yeah, good luck with your flight.
I know you’re going to, you’re going moving to new york from Israel.
Yes, that’s a big yes I am, thank you.
And I would just like to say if anyone hearing this is interested, they can come to you, right, you have this solution, you’re offering it as a partner.
So I think that would uh yeah, and if you want anyone in the podcast, I mean this is obviously um meant to inform businesses and business owners, but if anyone is interested um we do have, we do have a link that we’re gonna put somewhere in this around this video where you can get a demo and we can install it on your website and then we can talk about everything else or you can sign up uh to start using this amazing tool for your business.
So anyways, well thank you so much for your time. Thanks for having me.
And um and yeah, we look forward to to seeing what you’re going to work on next.
All right, thank you so much. Thank you, she ra appreciate it. Take care. Bye bye bye.

Thank you guys for tuning in.
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So stay tuned guys, there’s a lot of new exciting things.
This is only the beginning and thank you guys for tuning in.
I am louis de luna with networking business and I am out.